February 28, 2012


Hey friend! Here is what I've come up with so far based on your colors and samples of blog headers that you like. I've added in your links to my test blog so you can get a better idea of what your overall look would be according to the current layout. Of course, we can change things around when you're ready. It might be best to get together and I can help you load the header, background, favicon, picture boxes, etc. and help you navigate to what I've done to create a cohesive look. I'll also give you all the index names of each color that is used so you can change the font/link colors anytime you want to. You can also send me whatever photos you want to use of you guys and your dog, if you still want to do something like that.

Oh, and here is an alternative blog header. I actually had started this one a couple of weeks ago before you sent me your samples... it's strangely similar to some of the layouts that you sent, so I just altered it a little bit to get the one that I'm showing at the top. We can use either one. Up to you!